Kayaking can be a fun sport for all ages but also a dangerous one if you don’t know the skills and water rules and safety. Making kayaking a fun adventure means you need to know the safety codes and rules for the area that you’ll be in as well.
To get a copy of the rules of safety go to the nearest sport store where sport supplies is purchased. They are sure to have a copy or even get on the Internet and do some searching for them. The booklet will also give your information on what equipment that is required when kayaking in smooth or rough waters. Going on the Internet or to the library are others ways to get a copy of the rules and safety while kayaking.
Dress for the weather and water temperature since they change in various areas. Be sure to wear warm and waterproof clothing when the water is cold. If it is warmer weather and the water temperature is up than lighter clothing is ok. Be sure to have proper shoes on to protect your feet for damage if you should have to get out of your kayak to get it through some difficult spots. Being prepared for anything is the key.
You must be able to swim in order to be safe while learning this new skill. Kayaking is a skill especially when you are in deep waters. Knowing to swim could save your life or even someone else. Life jackets should always be worn incase you flip over in the water; you may not think it is deep but looks can be conceiving. Wearing a helmet is something everyone needs when kayaking in case of flipping over and hitting your head on a fallen tree or rock in the water. Danger is all around you when participating in this sport.
When learning the skill of kayaking you will be learning new things all the time. You need to know how to steer your boat, how to get in and out with flipping it, you’ll need to know how to weave in and through weeds and fallen trees, and you especially need to learn to stay calm in case of an emergencies. One thing you can do to learn these skills is practice in a shallow creed where the water is not very deep and if you do flip, you are not is as much danger if in deep dark water.
Learn how to read the water. Fallen trees and brush does not always tell you the danger that might be ahead. Beware danger can creep up on you at any time.
Your health is necessary when kayaking. You need to have teamwork skills and how to paddle your boat. If your health is in poor shape, you could become over exhausted and who knows have a heart attack while in the water. If you was to get out into the deep water and something happened to you team mate you may have to paddle the boat back to shore alone.
Never go out kayaking without someone with you. Always take someone out with you in case of emergency you will have someone who can help you. Again if you cannot swim you would not be able to help that person if you were in deep water. Having fun is one thing but you want to be safe so know the rules of kayaking before going out.
Once you have learned the rules, have all the proper equipment and you have got a teammate your ready for your trip down the river. Be safe and having fun without injuries is what kayaking is all about.
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