Thursday, July 22, 2010

Star Athletes in Activities for Young Adults

Does your daughter want to be in all the sports that they can be in? Encourage them in everything they do from the beginning and show them how to improve to reach their goals in sports as well as life.

Athletes have to work hard to reach goals. Athletes have to plan, train and stick with their plans while keeping their goals in focus. If your young adults are planning to be a star athlete you may want to combine aerobics, diet, and weight training to help your young adults reach their goals.
If you can afford trainers, it will coach your young adults in maintaining balance. The goal is to achieve strength, stamina, health, top performance, and the like while training to be a star athlete. If you are searching for the best plan for your child, you want to consider their goals, make plans, and then help them reach that goal.

Girls often make plans to stay fit. Girls desire the will to keep a firm body, stay fit, and keep their bodies toned. Helping your teenage daughters maintain their health and potentially become the next star athlete should start now. Before you start out any exercise program you will need to start with warm ups and stretches. Once your young adult starts her program teach her to conclude with cool downs and stretches so that the muscles expend back into position.
Stretching helps, the body, stay flexible. Help your child to develop a strategy that moves them to perform correctly and focus on her goals.

How to help your child with activities:

Teaching your child proper workout is a start in how to help your child with her activities to be a star athletic. To get started do a set of arm swings after stretch and warm ups. Do four sets to start.

How to do arm swings correctly:

Reach the arms up in the air with the hands extending over the head. The feet should be length apart. Stretch the body so that it loosens the muscles, relieving them of pressure. This also prepares the muscles for routine workouts. Stretch four times to the side and with the hands over the head. Stretch from the right side to the left and then to the front. Rotate the arms, finishing another four sets. Complete your workout by doing stretches on the other side of the body. Once your child finishes, move her to elbow lifts. Do the lifts eight times and four sets followed by torso twists. Do this workout eight times if possible and stretch.

A great Program:

A great program should include side stretches at least six times. Your child should gradually workup to a full routine that includes arm swings, elbow lift, torso twists and side stretches.
Head rolls can help your child keep balance and control pain from muscle use. Knee lifts, and elbow touches when combined can help your child stay firm and tone. Forward bobbing along with elbow touches at least four times per set will help your child develop her muscles. Forward lunging using the elbows to touch the knees as the body lunges to the floor will help your child develop flexibility.

Your young adult may enjoy side steps as she snaps her fingers maneuvering the body from left to right and to the center. Clasp the hands so that she can prepare for finger snapping in stepping the left leg to the front. The right leg moves back and onto the side as the teen steps together and back to the side. The teen touches the toes after stepping to the side. Now your young adults are off to a great start in becoming athletic while enjoying activities that promote good health. Dads have fun with the girls and build a dollhouse.

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